Project Description: This project was given to me during my second internship with Sentry Equipment in 2021. The VP of engineering was retiring after a long career at the company, including overhauling their manufacturing capabilities to where they were then. I was tasked with designing and helping manufacture a whiskey still as a retirement gift. I did all the design work and modeling, helped with the laser cutting and bending of parts, and coiled and assembled the dual-tube heat exchanger, which was part of Sentry’s product line and added a special touch to the gift. The only thing I wasn’t a part of for this project was welding, but I still learned a lot about designing for welding from doing this project.
Software Used: Solidworks
Big Wins: I made a super cool and unique retirement gift that was very well received. I learned a lot about manufacturing with sheet metal. The entire product utilized in-house manufacturing capabilities.
Challenges: The design was a challenge for the welders since I didn’t know anything about designing for that process.
Key Takeaways: Hands-on work and making things rocks. This was my first exposure to CNC bending processes, which are really neat.